Whenever a priest celebrates Mass, he has at least two specific intentions. The first intention is to celebrate the Mass according to the rubrics the Church provided for how to say the Mass. The second is to apply the grace of that Mass toward a specific need or intention. This second intention, commonly called “the intention of the Mass,” are special intentions offered to God as prayers of intercession and thanksgiving in and through the Eucharist. Since the graces of the Mass being infinite, many intentions can be offered up at a single Mass. While a priest may only accept one intention at a single Mass, he may have many other intentions not attached to an offering. In addition, the faithful may bring their own intentions to the Mass, which they each carry privately and place upon the altar spiritually in prayer.
At Holy Family Parish, there are many requests for Mass Intentions. If you would like to offer a Mass for a living or deceased loved one, please call or visit the parish office. In order to allow room for everyone, our parish asks that you follow these guidelines.
Masses for parish members:
Masses for non-parish members:
Please limit Christmas and Easter intentions to one every 5 years. There is a $20 offering per intention. Masses are scheduled up to one year in advance. We no longer schedule intentions without dates. Additional Mass intentions will be sent to retired priests of our diocese or to missions.